There is a method to perform any task, and good results come from doing the work in the right way, with the right method. In our shastras, twenty-six different methods of teaching have been mentioned. This description has also been given in the Upanishads and other Indian scriptures. Among all these methods, the most ideal and excellent method is the ‘Dialogue Method’, in which there is a conversation between the student and the teacher. The Bhagavad Gita is the most effective example of this method called the ‘Samvaad Paddhati’. Through methods like the ‘Dialogue Method’, the ‘Contemplation Method’, the ‘Lecture Method’, etc., many great scholars have been trained in various subjects in India.

Introductions to these various Vedic methods and their applications in education will be available in various curricula here.

पाठ्यक्रम और ज्ञान पोटली I Courses and Knowledge Capsules

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