
story telling

Storytelling or Katha Kathan is one of the oldest methods in Indian education and a fully developed science. As per the stage of development of the Panchakosha, there are different ways of storytelling. Storytelling – for children, adults, and the elderly – influences everyone; this is an established truth of Indian psychology. Courses on the science of storytelling, including the art, method, and logic of narration, will be available here.

पाठ्यक्रम और ज्ञान पोटली I Courses and Knowledge Capsules

स्वाधीन राष्ट्र की पराधीन मानसिकता

Description : कहानी सुनाना या कथा कथन भारतीय शिक्षा की सबसे पुरानी पद्धतियों में से एक है और पूर्णतः विकसित विज्ञान है।
